Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Goals for Science 7

Here are some of my goals and things I want to do/accomplish for seventh grade science this year. 

  • Learn many new things in science class. I will do this by paying attention in class.
  • Try my hardest on all assignments.
  • Get good grades on my projects, by working hard.
  • I would like to dissect something, like dissecting a frog
  • I want to learn  something related to roller coaster physics, like building a model roller coaster. Of all of the science subtopics I find physics the most interesting because I think it is the subtopic in science that is used the most in every day situations.
  • I wish I could do a chemistry experiment, like combining chemicals to see what happens.
  • It would be fun to study biology, such as marine biology
  • I want to go on a field trip, like going to the Tesla museum.
  • It would be interesting to do many different projects, like researching an animal.
  • I want to have fun!!!!!!

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