By Meera Dolasia
On DOGO News
In this interesting article it talked about how recent research shows fascinating facts about ants. A Brazilian Scientist named Jandira Oliveira, has done some more research about ants with a group of other scientists. They found out that ants have a small magnet in their antenna. They think the magnet is basically like a built in GPS system. The "GPS" works by tracking magnetic minerals in the soil and also using the magnetic field in the north pole. In the article the author also talked about how some species of ants in deserts navigate their way around by looking at the position of the sun.
I chose this article because it is very similar to what we are talking about in class. This article talks about how ants use this GPS technique to find food and navigate, and we are talking about survival instincts in class. This article is reliable and valid because they talk about it on National Geographic. Also DOGO News is a trusted website. I learned a few new things about ants from this article. I learned about the magnet technique and I also learned that desert ants use the sun to navigate, which I found very intriguing.
I wish we had these GPS systems on our heads so that we don't lose our way. Good job.