Friday, March 16, 2012

Current Events 3/14/12

New "Super Earth" Found at Right Distance for Life 

By Rachel Kaufman  

On National Geographic news.  

Scientists now say that they found a planet called GJ 667Cc that might be a possible planet for life. This planet is roughly 4.5 times the mass of Earth, meaning it's bigger. The planet orbits a red dwarf. Astronomers think that the planet's surface is probably rocky. The planet is very dim, but still recieves infrared rays, meaning it absorbs more energy than Earth does. These conditions make it perfect for there to be liquids on it. This might mean there is microscopic life in it. 

These conditions might even make it possible for non-microscopic life, some scientists think. Many universitites and institutes are doing further research into this investigation. 


I found this article because the title caught my attention. The title fascinated me because I always find it interesting when scientists and researchers think they might have discovered other life. Even though this was a very interesting and fascinating article, I think it was too short. It might have been good if they added more description about the planet. I love articles like this because I find space very unique and fascinating. I hope they do further research into this planet.



Current Events 2/28/12

Life on Earth Began on Land, Not in Sea? 

Article by Dave Mosher

On National Geographic 


This was a very fascinating article about how even though many scientists think that life on earth started in the ocean. This article is about how recent research shows that maybe life first started on land. Some scientists think that the first life might of started in giant holes of slimy mud, which was heated by volcanoes. According to scientists this is the perfect conditions from primitive bacteria to grow. Many scientists thought that life started in the ocean. They thought this because the ocean floor has a large amount of life forms. There is also data that argues against the theory that life started in the ocean. Cells have a fluid that they need to survive. Researchers found out that the ocean is very unlikely to contain much of this fluid. They think that these giant boiling mud hole has a good amount of this cellular fluid that is vital for survival. Their are two reasons that scientists think that life started in these mud holes. The first reason is that bacteria can easily grow in warm areas like this. The second reason is that these mud holes contain unbelievable amounts of minerals and nutrients. 

 I chose this article because I was looking through different articles and the title of this one really caught my attention. I think the author explained this article very well and made it very clear. I know this article is valid because it was also on escience news. This is a trusted publishing company that has good scientific current events. I found it very interesting how many people believed how life started on sea, but this article says it might have started in land.